Arizona Defensive Driving Online School | Easy 4 Hour Online
We made the process Simple and Easy!!!

- Arizona Defensive Driving Online School fee is $39.95*
- 24 hours, 7 days
- How long is driving school online? 4 Hours
- How many sections in defensive driving Online? 5 Sections.
- Start and Stop the Course Any Time
- Track your progress
- Use any Computer, Smartphone or Tablet
- Submission to the court of all fees and documentation
- 100 % online secured all information encrypted
- Arizona Defensive Driving Classroom in-person fee is $45.00
- Learn Arizona Traffic Laws
- Small group, nice environment. (Avoid overcrowded classrooms)
- How long is in-person school? 4 hours.
- Submission to the court of all fees and documentation
- No Exam/Test
- Select “In-Person Class Room (Teacher Assisted)” button to register In Person Class
Arizona online Defensive Driving school Fees:
School Fees $39.95
State Court Fee $24.00
State Surcharge $45.00
Benefits of completing Arizona Defensive Driving Online School course include :
Dismissing your traffic ticket
Avoiding additional driving record points
Avoiding increased car insurance rates
Refund Policy
- In accordance with Arizona Supreme Court regulations the only case where a refund will be granted is if the officer fails to file the citation with the court, or the citation is dismissed by the court for any reason. In all other cases a refund will not be granted after your class has already begun. There is a $15.00 processing fee for all refunds.
Students requesting a refund within 3-days from the day of payment who have not started the online course are eligible for a full refund.